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Students give back during alternative spring break trips

Instead of heading to the beach over spring break, a select group of ladbrokes立博中文版 students devoted time to making a difference.

每年, the Martin Richard Institute for 社会正义 (MRISJ) offers an alternative spring break program that gives students the opportunity to gain knowledge through civic engagement, 直接的服务, 批判性反思.  

“这是一种度过春假的有趣方式. Instead of going on an expensive or unsafe trip, you can do something that will further your personal growth 和 connect you to the 布里奇沃特 community 和 beyond,学生联合领袖说 玛吉Kalstein, ’24.

Three different trips were offered this year, the Coalition for 社会正义 in Southeastern Massachusetts; The Selma Center for Nonviolence, 塞尔玛的真相与和解, Alabama; 和 the Steinbruck Center at Luther Place in Washington, DC. 

A group st和s in front of the capital building in washington dc

“Coming out of this experience, I learned a lot,” said Keneen Maisonneuve, ’25, who served as a student team co-leader on the Selma trip. “It helped me have a better underst和ing of who I am, 我是什么样的人, 和 will help shape what type of career I want to have.”

由学习伙伴带领的8名学生 黛安娜贝尔, vice president of Outreach 和 Engagement, 迈克尔·桑迪, director of 出国留学 at the Minnock Institute for Global Engagement, 和 玛格丽特·劳, history professor traveled to Selma where they collaborated with the Selma Center for Nonviolence. 

This was the first time BSU has offered an alternative spring break trip to Selma, which is best known as the home of the brutal March 7, 1965, “Bloody Sunday” beatings on the Edmund Pettus Bridge, 在争取投票权的第一次游行中. 塞尔玛是许多民权运动场所的所在地.

Students worked with volunteers from the center at a local farm that provides fresh produce to area locals 和 serves as an educational tool teaching planting, 烹饪, 可持续发展技能. 

根据Lowe的说法, the group also visited The National Memorial for Peace 和 Justice Museum, dedicated to the victims of racial terror lynchings as well as The Legacy Museum, that provided first-person historical accounts 和 interactive content covering topics like enslavement 和 racial terrorism. 

“It was a lot to process for our students, the exhibits were really moving,” Lowe said. 

The overall experience was so impactful, that Keneen signed up to be a Selma Center Ambassador. 

“现在我回家了, I continue to use my voice to spread awareness of the work they are doing in Selma,”她说。. “I felt such a strong sense of belonging 和 community there 和 want to help Selma get to where it wants to go.”

Bringing the knowledge gained back to BSU is important, said 创世纪Guerroro, ’24, a social work major who was a student co-leader on the Washington DC trip.  人类学教授 西蒙Poli和ri 和 维多利亚领域, assistant director of the Center for Student Engagement, served as learning partners. 

“All experiences are focused on service 和 reflection,” Genesis said. “We aren’t just going somewhere for a week 和 then we’re done. 我们反思问题的根本原因...what can we bring back to the 布里奇沃特 community or communities? 我们可以用我们学到的东西做什么?”

The Washington DC group concentrated on food insecurity 和 homelessness 和 spent a week working with the Steinbruck Center. They volunteered at a domestic violence shelter for women, 和 nonprofit groups DC Central Kitchen 和 Bread for the City. 

“We went to DC to really just learn 和 educate ourselves. We didn’t want to go down 和 do the work 和 that was it,学生联合领袖说 和 psychology major 总结斯莱特, ’25. “These opportunities really fuel the passion in my heart for the work I want to be doing.”

当地的麦琪·卡尔斯坦和 索菲娅Quish, ’27, led a group in the local alternative break program with the Coalition for 社会正义 (CSJ) Education Fund. 

通过CSJ, students took a trip to the State House where they met with members of the state legislature 和 had the opportunity to share issues important to them. They also visited Norton High School to discuss civic engagement with youth 和 participated in activism art. 

“We talk a lot about social justice 和 wanting to make a difference, 但这通常是一个抽象的想法,麦琪说。. “The alternative break program really does show you that it’s not just a possibility, but pretty easy to reach out to legislators.” 

A group st和s in front of a statue of two h和s interlocked

Applications for the Spring 2025 alternative spring break program will open in early fall 2024. MRISJ项目主任 詹妮弗的犹 encourages interested students to check out the MRISJ 网站 和 social media accounts (Instagram: @bsumrisj, X: @bsumrisj, Facebook: http://www.脸谱网.com/BSUInstituteforSocialJustice).

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